Source code for spear.labeling.apply.core

import enum
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from itertools import chain
from typing import DefaultDict, Dict, List, Set, NamedTuple, Tuple, Union

from ..lf_set import LFSet
from ..utils import check_unique_names
from ..lf import ABSTAIN, LabelingFunction
from ..data_types import DataPoint, DataPoints

RowData = List[Tuple[int, int, int, float]]     # index of datapoint, index of lf, label, confidence

[docs]class ApplierMetadata(NamedTuple): """Metadata about Applier call.""" # Map from LF name to number of faults in apply call faults: Dict[str, int]
class _FunctionCaller: def __init__(self, fault_tolerant: bool): self.fault_tolerant = fault_tolerant self.fault_counts: DefaultDict[str, int] = DefaultDict(int) def __call__(self, f: LabelingFunction, x: DataPoint): if not self.fault_tolerant: return f(x) try: return f(x) except Exception: self.fault_counts[] += 1 return -1
[docs]class BaseLFApplier: """Base class for LF applier objects. Base class for LF applier objects, which executes a set of LFs on a collection of data points. Subclasses should operate on a single data point collection format (e.g. ``DataFrame``). Subclasses must implement the ``apply`` method. Args: lf_set (LFSet): Instace of LFset which has information of set of labeling functions(which is applied on data) Raises: ValueError: If names of LFs are not unique """ _use_recarray = False def __init__(self, lf_set: LFSet) -> None: # self._lf_set = lf_set self._lfs = lf_set.get_lfs() self._lf_names = [ for lf in lf_set.get_lfs()] # self._enum = enum check_unique_names(self._lf_names) def _numpy_from_row_data(self, labels: List[RowData]) -> np.ndarray: L = np.empty((len(labels), len(self._lfs)), dtype=object) L.fill(ABSTAIN) S = np.full((len(labels), len(self._lfs)), None) #np.zeros((len(labels), len(self._lfs)), dtype=float) - 1.0 # NB: this check will short-circuit, so ok for large L if any(map(len, labels)): row, col, enm, conf = zip(*chain.from_iterable(labels)) L[row, col] = enm S[row, col] = conf if self._use_recarray: # always false n_rows, _ = L.shape dtype = [(name, np.int64) for name in self._lf_names] recarray = np.recarray(n_rows, dtype=dtype) for idx, name in enumerate(self._lf_names): recarray[name] = L[:, idx] return recarray else: return L,S def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}, LFs: {self._lf_names}"
[docs]def apply_lfs_to_data_point( x: DataPoint, index: int, lfs: List[LabelingFunction], f_caller: _FunctionCaller ) -> RowData: """Label a single data point with a set of LFs Args: x (DataPoint): Data point to label index (int): Index of the data point lfs (List[LabelingFunction]): List of LFs to label ``x`` with f_caller (_FunctionCaller): A ``_FunctionCaller`` to record failed LF executions Returns: RowData: A list of (data point index, LF index, label enum, confidence) tuples """ labels = [] for j, lf in enumerate(lfs): y, z = f_caller(lf, x) if (y==ABSTAIN and z is None): continue if (y==ABSTAIN and z is not None): labels.append((index, j, y, z)) continue assert(lf._label == y) labels.append((index, j, y.value, z)) return labels
[docs]class LFApplier(BaseLFApplier): """LF applier for a list of data points (e.g. ``SimpleNamespace``) or a NumPy array. Args: lf_set (LFSet): Instace of LFset which has information of set of labeling functions(which is applied on data) """ # Example: # >>> from labeling.lf import labeling_function # >>> @labeling_function() # ... def is_big_num(x,**kwargs): # ... return 1 if x.num > 42 else 0 # >>> applier = LFApplier([is_big_num]) # >>> from types import SimpleNamespace # >>> applier.apply([SimpleNamespace(num=10), SimpleNamespace(num=100)]) # array([[0], [1]]) # >>> @labeling_function() # ... def is_big_num_np(x): # ... return 1 if x[0] > 42 else 0 # >>> applier = LFApplier([is_big_num_np]) # >>> applier.apply(np.array([[10], [100]])) # array([[0], [1]])
[docs] def apply( self, data_points: Union[DataPoints, np.ndarray], progress_bar: bool = True, fault_tolerant: bool = False, return_meta: bool = False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, ApplierMetadata]]: """Label list of data points or a NumPy array with LFs. Args: data_points (Union[DataPoints, np.ndarray]): List of data points or NumPy array to be labeled by LFs progress_bar (bool, optional): Display a progress bar?. Defaults to True. fault_tolerant (bool, optional): Output ``-1`` if LF execution fails?. Defaults to False. return_meta (bool, optional): Return metadata from apply call?. Defaults to False. Returns: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, ApplierMetadata]]: np.ndarray: Matrix of labels emitted by LFs ApplierMetadata: Metadata, such as fault counts, for the apply call """ labels = [] f_caller = _FunctionCaller(fault_tolerant) if progress_bar: with tqdm(total=len(data_points)) as pbar: for i, x in enumerate(data_points): labels.append(apply_lfs_to_data_point(x, i, self._lfs, f_caller)) pbar.update() else: for i, x in enumerate(data_points): labels.append(apply_lfs_to_data_point(x, i, self._lfs, f_caller)) L,S = self._numpy_from_row_data(labels) if return_meta: return L, ApplierMetadata(f_caller.fault_counts) return L,S