Source code for spear.jl.core

import torch
from import TensorDataset, DataLoader
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import pickle
from os import path as check_path
from copy import deepcopy
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score as prec_score
from sklearn.metrics import recall_score as recall_score

from ..utils.data_editor import get_data, get_classes, get_predictions
from ..utils.utils_cage import probability, log_likelihood_loss, precision_loss, predict_gm_labels
from ..utils.utils_jl import log_likelihood_loss_supervised, entropy, kl_divergence
from .models.models import *

	#1. Loss function number, Calculated over, Loss function:
	#		1, L, Cross Entropy(prob_from_feature_model, true_labels)
	#		2, U, Entropy(prob_from_feature_model)
	#		3, U, Cross Entropy(prob_from_feature_model, prob_from_graphical_model)
	#		4, L, Negative Log Likelihood
	#		5, U, Negative Log Likelihood(marginalised over true labels)
	#		6, L and U, KL Divergence(prob_feature_model, prob_graphical_model)
	#		7, Quality guide
	#2. each pickle file should follow the standard convention for data storage]
	#3. shapes of x,y,l,s:
	#	x: [num_instances, num_features], feature matrix
	#	y: [num_instances, 1], true labels, if available
	#	l: [num_instances, num_rules], 1 if LF is triggered, 0 else
	#	s: [num_instances, num_rules], continuous score

[docs]class JL: ''' Joint_Learning class: [Note: from here on, feature model(fm) and feature-based classification model are used interchangeably. graphical model(gm) and CAGE algorithm terms are used interchangeably] Loss function number | Calculated over | Loss function: (useful for loss_func_mask in fit_and_predict_proba and fit_and_predict functions) 1, L, Cross Entropy(prob_from_feature_model, true_labels) 2, U, Entropy(prob_from_feature_model) 3, U, Cross Entropy(prob_from_feature_model, prob_from_graphical_model) 4, L, Negative Log Likelihood 5, U, Negative Log Likelihood(marginalised over true labels) 6, L and U, KL Divergence(prob_feature_model, prob_graphical_model) 7, _, Quality guide Args: path_json: Path to json file containing the dictionary of number to string(class name) map n_lfs: number of labelling functions used to generate pickle files n_features: number of features for each instance in the first array of pickle file aka feature matrix feature_model: The model intended to be used for features, allowed values are 'lr'(Logistic Regression) or 'nn'(Neural network with 2 hidden layer) string, default is 'nn' n_hidden: Number of hidden layer nodes if feature model is 'nn', type is integer, default is 512 ''' def __init__(self, path_json, n_lfs, n_features, feature_model = 'nn', n_hidden = 512): assert type(path_json) == str assert type(n_lfs) == or type(n_lfs) == np.float assert type(n_features) == or type(n_features) == np.float assert type(n_hidden) == or type(n_hidden) == np.float assert feature_model == 'lr' or feature_model == 'nn' use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() self.device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float64) self.class_dict = get_classes(path_json) self.class_list = list((self.class_dict).keys()) self.class_list.sort() self.n_classes = len(self.class_dict) self.class_map = {value: index for index, value in enumerate(self.class_list)} self.class_map[None] = self.n_classes self.n_lfs = int(n_lfs) self.n_hidden = int(n_hidden) self.feature_based_model = feature_model self.n_features = n_features self.k, self.continuous_mask = None, None self.pi = torch.ones((self.n_classes, self.n_lfs), device = self.device).double() (self.pi).requires_grad = True self.theta = torch.ones((self.n_classes, self.n_lfs), device = self.device).double() (self.theta).requires_grad = True if self.feature_based_model == 'lr': self.feature_model = LogisticRegression(self.n_features, self.n_classes).to(device = self.device) elif self.feature_based_model =='nn': self.feature_model = DeepNet(self.n_features, self.n_hidden, self.n_classes).to(device = self.device) else: print('Error: JL class - unrecognised feature_model in initialisation') exit(1) self.fm_optimal_params = deepcopy((self.feature_model).state_dict()) self.pi_optimal, self.theta_optimal = (self.pi).detach().clone(), (self.theta).detach().clone()
[docs] def save_params(self, save_path): ''' member function to save parameters of JL Args: save_path: path to pickle file to save parameters ''' file_ = open(save_path, 'wb') pickle.dump(self.theta, file_) pickle.dump(self.pi, file_) pickle.dump((self.feature_model).state_dict(), file_) pickle.dump(self.theta_optimal, file_) pickle.dump(self.pi_optimal, file_) pickle.dump((self.fm_optimal_params), file_) pickle.dump(self.n_classes, file_) pickle.dump(self.n_lfs, file_) pickle.dump(self.n_features, file_) pickle.dump(self.n_hidden, file_) pickle.dump(self.feature_based_model, file_) file_.close() return
[docs] def load_params(self, load_path): ''' member function to load parameters to JL Args: load_path: path to pickle file to load parameters ''' assert check_path.exists(load_path) file_ = open(load_path, 'rb') self.theta = pickle.load(file_) self.pi = pickle.load(file_) fm_params = pickle.load(file_) (self.feature_model).load_state_dict(fm_params) self.theta_optimal = pickle.load(file_) self.pi_optimal = pickle.load(file_) self.fm_optimal_params = pickle.load(file_) assert self.n_classes == pickle.load(file_) assert self.n_lfs == pickle.load(file_) assert self.n_features == pickle.load(file_) temp_n_hidden = pickle.load(file_) temp_feature_based_model = pickle.load(file_) assert self.feature_based_model == temp_feature_based_model if temp_feature_based_model == 'nn': assert self.n_hidden == temp_n_hidden file_.close() assert (self.pi).shape == (self.n_classes, self.n_lfs) assert (self.theta).shape == (self.n_classes, self.n_lfs) assert (self.pi_optimal).shape == (self.n_classes, self.n_lfs) assert (self.theta_optimal).shape == (self.n_classes, self.n_lfs) return
[docs] def fit_and_predict_proba(self, path_L, path_U, path_V, path_T, loss_func_mask, batch_size, lr_fm, lr_gm, use_accuracy_score, path_log = None, return_gm = False, n_epochs = 100, start_len = 7,\ stop_len = 10, is_qt = True, is_qc = True, qt = 0.9, qc = 0.85, metric_avg = 'binary'): ''' Args: path_L: Path to pickle file of labelled instances path_U: Path to pickle file of unlabelled instances path_V: Path to pickle file of validation instances path_T: Path to pickle file of test instances loss_func_mask: list of size 7 where loss_func_mask[i] should be 1 if Loss function (i+1) should be included, 0 else. Checkout Eq(3) in :cite:p:`DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2008-09887` batch_size: Batch size, type should be integer lr_fm: Learning rate for feature model, type is integer or float lr_gm: Learning rate for graphical model(cage algorithm), type is integer or float use_accuracy_score: The score to use for termination condition on validation set. True for accuracy_score, False for f1_score path_log: Path to log file to append log. Default is None which prints accuracies/f1_scores is printed to terminal return_gm: Return the predictions of graphical model? the allowed values are True, False. Default value is False n_epochs: Number of epochs in each run, type is integer, default is 100 start_len: A parameter used in validation, refers to the least epoch after which validation checks need to be performed, type is integer, default is 7 stop_len: A parameter used in validation, refers to the least number of continuous epochs of non incresing validation accuracy after which the training should be stopped, type is integer, default is 10 is_qt: True if quality guide is available(and will be provided in 'qt' argument). False if quality guide is intended to be found from validation instances. Default is True is_qc: True if quality index is available(and will be provided in 'qc' argument). False if quality index is intended to be found from validation instances. Default is True qt: Quality guide of shape (n_lfs,) of type numpy.ndarray OR a float. Values must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.9 qc: Quality index of shape (n_lfs,) of type numpy.ndarray OR a float. Values must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.85 metric_avg: Average metric to be used in calculating f1_score/precision/recall, default is 'binary' Return: If return_gm is True; the return value is two predicted labels of numpy array of shape (num_instances, num_classes), first one is through feature model, other one through graphical model. Else; the return value is predicted labels of numpy array of shape (num_instances, num_classes) through feature model. For a given model i,j-th element is the probability of ith instance being the jth class(the jth value when sorted in ascending order of values in Enum) using that model. It is suggested to use the probailities of feature model ''' assert type(path_L) == str and type(path_V) == str and type(path_V) == str and type(path_T) == str assert type(return_gm) == np.bool assert (type(loss_func_mask) == list) and len(loss_func_mask) == 7 assert type(batch_size) == or type(batch_size) == np.float assert type(lr_fm) == or type(lr_fm) == np.float assert type(lr_gm) == or type(lr_gm) == np.float assert type(use_accuracy_score) == np.bool assert type(n_epochs) == or type(n_epochs) == np.float assert type(start_len) == or type(start_len) == np.float assert type(stop_len) == or type(stop_len) == np.float assert type(is_qt) == np.bool and type(is_qc) == np.bool assert (type(qt) == np.float and (qt >= 0 and qt <= 1)) or (type(qt) == np.ndarray and (np.all(np.logical_and(qt>=0, qt<=1)) ) )\ or (type(qt) == and (qt == 0 or qt == 1)) assert (type(qc) == np.float and (qc >= 0 and qc <= 1)) or (type(qc) == np.ndarray and (np.all(np.logical_and(qc>=0, qc<=1)) ) )\ or (type(qc) == and (qc == 0 or qc == 1)) assert metric_avg in ['micro', 'macro', 'samples', 'weighted', 'binary'] batch_size_ = int(batch_size) n_epochs_ = int(n_epochs) start_len_ = int(start_len) stop_len_ = int(stop_len) score_used = "accuracy_score" if use_accuracy_score else "f1_score" assert start_len_ <= n_epochs_ and stop_len <= n_epochs_ data_L = get_data(path_L, True, self.class_map) data_U = get_data(path_U, True, self.class_map) data_V = get_data(path_V, True, self.class_map) data_T = get_data(path_T, True, self.class_map) assert data_L[9] == self.n_classes and data_U[9] == data_L[9] and data_V[9] == data_L[9] and data_T[9] == data_L[9] x_sup = torch.tensor(data_L[0]).double() y_sup = torch.tensor(data_L[3]).long() l_sup = torch.tensor(data_L[2]).long() s_sup = torch.tensor(data_L[6]).double() excluding = [] temp_index = 0 for temp in data_U[1]: if(np.all(temp == int(self.n_classes)) ): excluding.append(temp_index) temp_index+=1 x_unsup = torch.tensor(np.delete(data_U[0], excluding, axis=0)).double() y_unsup = torch.zeros((x_unsup).shape[0]).long() l_unsup = torch.tensor(np.delete(data_U[2], excluding, axis=0)).long() s_unsup = torch.tensor(np.delete(data_U[6], excluding, axis=0)).double() x_valid = torch.tensor(data_V[0]).double() y_valid = data_V[3] l_valid = torch.tensor(data_V[2]).long() s_valid = torch.tensor(data_V[6]).double() x_test = torch.tensor(data_T[0]).double() y_test = data_T[3] l_test = torch.tensor(data_T[2]).long() s_test = torch.tensor(data_T[6]).double() y_sup = (y_sup).view(-1) y_valid = (y_valid).flatten() y_test = (y_test).flatten() assert self.n_features == x_sup.shape[1] assert self.n_lfs == l_sup.shape[1] if self. k == None: self.k = torch.tensor(data_L[8], device = self.device).long() # LF's classes else: assert torch.all(torch.tensor(data_L[8], device = self.device).double().eq(self.k)) if self.continuous_mask == None: self.continuous_mask = torch.tensor(data_L[7], device = self.device).double() # Mask for s/continuous_mask else: assert torch.all(torch.tensor(data_L[7], device = self.device).double().eq(self.continuous_mask)) assert np.all(data_L[8] == data_U[8]) and np.all(data_L[8] == data_V[8]) and np.all(data_L[8] == data_T[8]) assert np.all(data_L[7] == data_U[7]) and np.all(data_L[7] == data_V[7]) and np.all(data_L[7] == data_T[7]) assert x_sup.shape[1] == self.n_features and x_unsup.shape[1] == self.n_features \ and x_valid.shape[1] == self.n_features and x_test.shape[1] == self.n_features assert x_sup.shape[0] == y_sup.shape[0] and x_sup.shape[0] == l_sup.shape[0]\ and l_sup.shape == s_sup.shape and l_sup.shape[1] == self.n_lfs assert x_unsup.shape[0] == y_unsup.shape[0] and x_unsup.shape[0] == l_unsup.shape[0]\ and l_unsup.shape == s_unsup.shape and l_unsup.shape[1] == self.n_lfs assert x_valid.shape[0] == y_valid.shape[0] and x_valid.shape[0] == l_valid.shape[0]\ and l_valid.shape == s_valid.shape and l_valid.shape[1] == self.n_lfs assert x_test.shape[0] == y_test.shape[0] and x_test.shape[0] == l_test.shape[0]\ and l_test.shape == s_test.shape and l_test.shape[1] == self.n_lfs # clipping s s_sup[s_sup > 0.999] = 0.999 s_sup[s_sup < 0.001] = 0.001 s_unsup[s_unsup > 0.999] = 0.999 s_unsup[s_unsup < 0.001] = 0.001 s_valid[s_valid > 0.999] = 0.999 s_valid[s_valid < 0.001] = 0.001 s_test[s_test > 0.999] = 0.999 s_test[s_test < 0.001] = 0.001 l =[l_sup, l_unsup]) s =[s_sup, s_unsup]) x_train =[x_sup, x_unsup]) y_train =[y_sup, y_unsup]) supervised_mask =[torch.ones(l_sup.shape[0]), torch.zeros(l_unsup.shape[0])]) if is_qt: qt_ = torch.tensor(qt, device = self.device).double() if type(qt) == np.ndarray else (torch.ones(self.n_lfs, device = self.device).double() * qt) else: prec_lfs=[] for i in range(self.n_lfs): correct = 0 for j in range(len(y_valid)): if y_valid[j] == l_valid[j][i]: correct+=1 prec_lfs.append(correct/len(y_valid)) qt_ = torch.tensor(prec_lfs).double() if is_qc: qc_ = torch.tensor(qc, device = self.device).double() if type(qc) == np.ndarray else qc else: qc_ = torch.tensor(np.mean(s_valid, axis = 0), device = self.device) file = None if path_log != None: file = open(path_log, "a+") file.write("JL log:\tn_classes: {}\tn_LFs: {}\tn_features: {}\tn_hidden: {}\tfeature_model:{}\tlr_fm: {}\tlr_gm:{}\tuse_accuracy_score: {}\tn_epochs:{}\tstart_len: {}\tstop_len:{}\n".format(\ self.n_classes, self.n_lfs, self.n_features, self.n_hidden, self.feature_based_model, lr_fm, lr_gm, use_accuracy_score, n_epochs, start_len, stop_len)) else: print("JL log:\tn_classes: {}\tn_LFs: {}\tn_features: {}\tn_hidden: {}\tfeature_model:{}\tlr_fm: {}\tlr_gm:{}\tuse_accuracy_score: {}\tn_epochs:{}\tstart_len: {}\tstop_len:{}".format(\ self.n_classes, self.n_lfs, self.n_features, self.n_hidden, self.feature_based_model, lr_fm, lr_gm, use_accuracy_score, n_epochs, start_len, stop_len)) #Algo starting optimizer_fm = torch.optim.Adam(self.feature_model.parameters(), lr = lr_fm) optimizer_gm = torch.optim.Adam([self.theta, self.pi], lr = lr_gm, weight_decay=0) supervised_criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() dataset = TensorDataset(x_train, y_train, l, s, supervised_mask) loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size = batch_size_, shuffle = True, pin_memory = True) best_score_fm_test, best_score_gm_test, best_epoch, best_score_fm_val, best_score_gm_val = 0,0,0,0,0 best_prec_fm_test, best_recall_fm_test, best_prec_gm_test, best_recall_gm_test= 0,0,0,0 gm_test_acc, fm_test_acc = -1, -1 stopped_epoch = -1 stop_early_fm, stop_early_gm = [], [] with tqdm(total=n_epochs_) as pbar: for epoch in range(n_epochs_): self.feature_model.train() for _, sample in enumerate(loader): optimizer_fm.zero_grad() optimizer_gm.zero_grad() for i in range(len(sample)): sample[i] = sample[i].to(device = self.device) supervised_indices = sample[4].nonzero().view(-1) unsupervised_indices = (1-sample[4]).nonzero().squeeze() if(loss_func_mask[0]): if len(supervised_indices) > 0: loss_1 = supervised_criterion(self.feature_model(sample[0][supervised_indices]), sample[1][supervised_indices]) else: loss_1 = 0 else: loss_1 = 0 if(loss_func_mask[1]): unsupervised_fm_probability = torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 1)(self.feature_model(sample[0][unsupervised_indices])) loss_2 = entropy(unsupervised_fm_probability) else: loss_2 = 0 if(loss_func_mask[2]): y_pred_unsupervised = predict_gm_labels(self.theta, self.pi, sample[2][unsupervised_indices], sample[3][unsupervised_indices], self.k, self.n_classes, self.continuous_mask, qc_, self.device) loss_3 = supervised_criterion(self.feature_model(sample[0][unsupervised_indices]), torch.tensor(y_pred_unsupervised, device = self.device)) else: loss_3 = 0 if (loss_func_mask[3] and len(supervised_indices) > 0): loss_4 = log_likelihood_loss_supervised(self.theta, self.pi, sample[1][supervised_indices], sample[2][supervised_indices], sample[3][supervised_indices], self.k, self.n_classes, self.continuous_mask, qc_, self.device) else: loss_4 = 0 if(loss_func_mask[4]): loss_5 = log_likelihood_loss(self.theta, self.pi, sample[2][unsupervised_indices], sample[3][unsupervised_indices], self.k, self.n_classes, self.continuous_mask, qc_, self.device) else: loss_5 = 0 if(loss_func_mask[5]): if(len(supervised_indices) >0): supervised_indices = supervised_indices.tolist() probs_graphical = probability(self.theta, self.pi,[sample[2][unsupervised_indices], sample[2][supervised_indices]]),\[sample[3][unsupervised_indices],sample[3][supervised_indices]]), self.k, self.n_classes, self.continuous_mask, qc_, self.device) else: probs_graphical = probability(self.theta, self.pi,sample[2][unsupervised_indices],sample[3][unsupervised_indices],\ self.k, self.n_classes, self.continuous_mask, qc_, self.device) probs_graphical = (probs_graphical.t() / probs_graphical.sum(1)).t() probs_fm = torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 1)(self.feature_model(sample[0])) loss_6 = kl_divergence(probs_fm, probs_graphical) else: loss_6 = 0 if(loss_func_mask[6]): prec_loss = precision_loss(self.theta, self.k, self.n_classes, qt_, self.device) else: prec_loss = 0 loss = loss_1 + loss_2 + loss_3 + loss_4 + loss_5 + loss_6 + prec_loss if loss != 0: loss.backward() optimizer_gm.step() optimizer_fm.step() #gm test y_pred = predict_gm_labels(self.theta, self.pi, = self.device), = self.device), self.k, self.n_classes, self.continuous_mask, qc_, self.device) if use_accuracy_score: gm_test_acc = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred) else: gm_test_acc = f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average = metric_avg) gm_test_prec = prec_score(y_test, y_pred, average = metric_avg) gm_test_recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred, average = metric_avg) #gm validation y_pred = predict_gm_labels(self.theta, self.pi, = self.device), = self.device), self.k, self.n_classes, self.continuous_mask, qc_, self.device) if use_accuracy_score: gm_valid_acc = accuracy_score(y_valid, y_pred) else: gm_valid_acc = f1_score(y_valid, y_pred, average = metric_avg) (self.feature_model).eval() #fm test probs = torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 1)(self.feature_model( = self.device))) y_pred = np.argmax(probs.cpu().detach().numpy(), 1) if use_accuracy_score: fm_test_acc = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred) else: fm_test_acc = f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average = metric_avg) fm_test_prec = prec_score(y_test, y_pred, average = metric_avg) fm_test_recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred, average = metric_avg) #fm validation probs = torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 1)(self.feature_model( = self.device))) y_pred = np.argmax(probs.cpu().detach().numpy(), 1) if use_accuracy_score: fm_valid_acc = accuracy_score(y_valid, y_pred) else: fm_valid_acc = f1_score(y_valid, y_pred, average = metric_avg) (self.feature_model).train() if path_log != None: file.write("{}: Epoch: {}\tgm_valid_score: {}\tfm_valid_score: {}\n".format(score_used, epoch, gm_valid_acc, fm_valid_acc)) if epoch % 5 == 0: file.write("{}: Epoch: {}\tgm_test_score: {}\tfm_test_score: {}\n".format(score_used, epoch, gm_test_acc, fm_test_acc)) else: print("{}: Epoch: {}\tgm_valid_score: {}\tfm_valid_score: {}".format(score_used, epoch, gm_valid_acc, fm_valid_acc)) if epoch % 5 == 0: print("{}: Epoch: {}\tgm_test_score: {}\tfm_test_score: {}".format(score_used, epoch, gm_test_acc, fm_test_acc)) if epoch > start_len_ and gm_valid_acc >= best_score_gm_val and gm_valid_acc >= best_score_fm_val: if gm_valid_acc == best_score_gm_val or gm_valid_acc == best_score_fm_val: if best_score_gm_test < gm_test_acc or best_score_fm_test < fm_test_acc: best_epoch = epoch self.pi_optimal = (self.pi).detach().clone() self.theta_optimal = (self.theta).detach().clone() self.fm_optimal_params = deepcopy((self.feature_model).state_dict()) best_score_fm_val = fm_valid_acc best_score_fm_test = fm_test_acc best_score_gm_val = gm_valid_acc best_score_gm_test = gm_test_acc best_prec_fm_test = fm_test_prec best_recall_fm_test = fm_test_recall best_prec_gm_test = gm_test_prec best_recall_gm_test = gm_test_recall else: best_epoch = epoch self.pi_optimal = (self.pi).detach().clone() self.theta_optimal = (self.theta).detach().clone() self.fm_optimal_params = deepcopy((self.feature_model).state_dict()) best_score_fm_val = fm_valid_acc best_score_fm_test = fm_test_acc best_score_gm_val = gm_valid_acc best_score_gm_test = gm_test_acc best_prec_fm_test = fm_test_prec best_recall_fm_test = fm_test_recall best_prec_gm_test = gm_test_prec best_recall_gm_test = gm_test_recall stop_early_fm = [] stop_early_gm = [] if epoch > start_len_ and fm_valid_acc >= best_score_fm_val and fm_valid_acc >= best_score_gm_val: if fm_valid_acc == best_score_fm_val or fm_valid_acc == best_score_gm_val: if best_score_fm_test < fm_test_acc or best_score_gm_test < gm_test_acc: best_epoch = epoch self.pi_optimal = (self.pi).detach().clone() self.theta_optimal = (self.theta).detach().clone() self.fm_optimal_params = deepcopy((self.feature_model).state_dict()) best_score_fm_val = fm_valid_acc best_score_fm_test = fm_test_acc best_score_gm_val = gm_valid_acc best_score_gm_test = gm_test_acc best_prec_fm_test = fm_test_prec best_recall_fm_test = fm_test_recall best_prec_gm_test = gm_test_prec best_recall_gm_test = gm_test_recall else: best_epoch = epoch self.pi_optimal = (self.pi).detach().clone() self.theta_optimal = (self.theta).detach().clone() self.fm_optimal_params = deepcopy((self.feature_model).state_dict()) best_score_fm_val = fm_valid_acc best_score_fm_test = fm_test_acc best_score_gm_val = gm_valid_acc best_score_gm_test = gm_test_acc best_prec_fm_test = fm_test_prec best_recall_fm_test = fm_test_recall best_prec_gm_test = gm_test_prec best_recall_gm_test = gm_test_recall stop_early_fm = [] stop_early_gm = [] if len(stop_early_fm) > stop_len_ and len(stop_early_gm) > stop_len_ and (all(best_score_fm_val >= k for k in stop_early_fm) or \ all(best_score_gm_val >= k for k in stop_early_gm)): stopped_epoch = epoch break else: stop_early_fm.append(fm_valid_acc) stop_early_gm.append(gm_valid_acc) pbar.update() #epoch for loop ended if stopped_epoch == -1: print('best_epoch: {}'.format(best_epoch)) else: print('early stopping at epoch: {}\tbest_epoch: {}'.format(stopped_epoch, best_epoch)) if use_accuracy_score: print('score used: accuracy_score') else: print('score used: f1_score') print('best_gm_val_score:{}\tbest_fm_val_score:{}'.format(\ best_score_gm_val, best_score_fm_val)) print('best_gm_test_score:{}\tbest_fm_test_score:{}'.format(\ best_score_gm_test, best_score_fm_test)) print('best_gm_test_precision:{}\tbest_fm_test_precision:{}'.format(\ best_prec_gm_test, best_prec_fm_test)) print('best_gm_test_recall:{}\tbest_fm_test_recall:{}'.format(\ best_recall_gm_test, best_recall_fm_test)) # Algo ended # below prints and writes to file, the final test accuracies # print("final_gm_test_acc: {}\tfinal_fm_test_acc: {}\n".format(gm_test_acc, fm_test_acc)) if path_log != None: # file.write("final_test_acc: {}\tfinal_fm_test_acc: {}\n".format(gm_test_acc, fm_test_acc)) file.close() (self.feature_model).load_state_dict(self.fm_optimal_params) (self.feature_model).eval() fm_predictions = (torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 1)(self.feature_model(torch.tensor(data_U[0], device = self.device).double()) )).cpu().detach().numpy() (self.feature_model).train() if return_gm: return fm_predictions, (probability(self.theta_optimal, self.pi_optimal, torch.tensor(data_U[2], device = self.device).long(), torch.tensor(data_U[6], device = self.device).double(), \ self.k, self.n_classes, self.continuous_mask, qc_, self.device)).cpu().detach().numpy() else: return fm_predictions
[docs] def fit_and_predict(self, path_L, path_U, path_V, path_T, loss_func_mask, batch_size, lr_fm, lr_gm, use_accuracy_score, path_log = None, return_gm = False, n_epochs = 100, start_len = 7,\ stop_len = 10, is_qt = True, is_qc = True, qt = 0.9, qc = 0.85, metric_avg = 'binary', need_strings = False): ''' Args: path_L: Path to pickle file of labelled instances path_U: Path to pickle file of unlabelled instances path_V: Path to pickle file of validation instances path_T: Path to pickle file of test instances loss_func_mask: list of size 7 where loss_func_mask[i] should be 1 if Loss function (i+1) should be included, 0 else. Checkout Eq(3) in :cite:p:`DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2008-09887` batch_size: Batch size, type should be integer lr_fm: Learning rate for feature model, type is integer or float lr_gm: Learning rate for graphical model(cage algorithm), type is integer or float use_accuracy_score: The score to use for termination condition on validation set. True for accuracy_score, False for f1_score path_log: Path to log file to append log. Default is None which prints accuracies/f1_scores is printed to terminal return_gm: Return the predictions of graphical model? the allowed values are True, False. Default value is False n_epochs: Number of epochs in each run, type is integer, default is 100 start_len: A parameter used in validation, refers to the least epoch after which validation checks need to be performed, type is integer, default is 7 stop_len: A parameter used in validation, refers to the least number of continuous epochs of non incresing validation accuracy after which the training should be stopped, type is integer, default is 10 is_qt: True if quality guide is available(and will be provided in 'qt' argument). False if quality guide is intended to be found from validation instances. Default is True is_qc: True if quality index is available(and will be provided in 'qc' argument). False if quality index is intended to be found from validation instances. Default is True qt: Quality guide of shape (n_lfs,) of type numpy.ndarray OR a float. Values must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.9 qc: Quality index of shape (n_lfs,) of type numpy.ndarray OR a float. Values must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.85 metric_avg: Average metric to be used in calculating f1_score/precision/recall, default is 'binary' need_strings: If True, the output will be in the form of strings(class names). Else it is in the form of class values(given to classes in Enum). Default is False Return: If return_gm is True; the return value is two predicted labels of numpy array of shape (num_instances, ), first one is through feature model, other one through graphical model. Else; the return value is predicted labels of numpy array of shape (num_instances,) through feature model. It is suggested to use the probailities of feature model ''' assert type(need_strings) == np.bool if return_gm: proba_1, proba_2 = self.fit_and_predict_proba(path_L, path_U, path_V, path_T, loss_func_mask, batch_size, lr_fm, lr_gm, use_accuracy_score, path_log, return_gm, n_epochs, start_len,\ stop_len, is_qt, is_qc, qt, qc, metric_avg) return get_predictions(proba_1, self.class_map, self.class_dict, need_strings), get_predictions(proba_2, self.class_map, self.class_dict, need_strings) else: proba = self.fit_and_predict_proba(path_L, path_U, path_V, path_T, loss_func_mask, batch_size, lr_fm, lr_gm, use_accuracy_score, path_log, return_gm, n_epochs, start_len,\ stop_len, is_qt, is_qc, qt, qc, metric_avg) return get_predictions(proba, self.class_map, self.class_dict, need_strings)
[docs] def predict_gm_proba(self, path_test, qc = 0.85): ''' Used to find the predicted labels based on the trained parameters of graphical model(CAGE) Args: path_test: Path to the pickle file containing test data set qc: Quality index of shape (n_lfs,) of type numpy.ndarray OR a float. Values must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.85 Return: numpy.ndarray of shape (num_instances, num_classes) where i,j-th element is the probability of ith instance being the jth class(the jth value when sorted in ascending order of values in Enum) [Note: no aggregration/algorithm-running will be done using the current input]. It is suggested to use the probailities of feature model ''' assert (type(qc) == np.float and (qc >= 0 and qc <= 1)) or (type(qc) == np.ndarray and (np.all(np.logical_and(qc>=0, qc<=1)) ) )\ or (type(qc) == and (qc == 0 or qc == 1)) data = get_data(path_test, True, self.class_map) s_test = torch.tensor(data[6], device = self.device).double() s_test[s_test > 0.999] = 0.999 s_test[s_test < 0.001] = 0.001 assert (data[2]).shape[1] == self.n_lfs and data[9] == self.n_classes assert (data[0].shape)[1] == self.n_features temp_k = torch.tensor(data[8], device = self.device).long() assert self.k == None or torch.all(temp_k.eq(self.k)) temp_continuous_mask = torch.tensor(data[7], device = self.device).double() assert self.continuous_mask == None or torch.all(temp_continuous_mask.eq(self.continuous_mask)) m_test = torch.abs(torch.tensor(data[2], device = self.device).long()) qc_ = torch.tensor(qc, device = self.device).double() if type(qc) == np.ndarray else qc if self.continuous_mask == None or self.k == None: print("Warning: Predict is used before training any paramters in JL class. Hope you have loaded parameters.") return (probability(self.theta_optimal, self.pi_optimal, m_test, s_test, temp_k, self.n_classes, temp_continuous_mask, qc_, self.device)).cpu().detach().numpy()
[docs] def predict_fm_proba(self, x_test): ''' Used to find the predicted labels based on the trained parameters of feature model Args: x_test: numpy array of shape (num_instances, num_features) containing data whose labels are to be predicted Return: numpy.ndarray of shape (num_instances, num_classes) where i,j-th element is the probability of ith instance being the jth class(the jth value when sorted in ascending order of values in Enum) [Note: no aggregration/algorithm-running will be done using the current input]. It is suggested to use the probailities of feature model ''' assert x_test.shape[1] == self.n_features if self.continuous_mask == None or self.k == None: print("Warning: Predict is used before training any paramters in JL class. Hope you have loaded parameters.") (self.feature_model).load_state_dict(self.fm_optimal_params) (self.feature_model).eval() fm_predictions = (torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 1)(self.feature_model(torch.tensor(x_test, device = self.device).double()))).cpu().detach().numpy() (self.feature_model).train() return fm_predictions
[docs] def predict_gm(self, path_test, qc = 0.85, need_strings = False): ''' Used to find the predicted labels based on the trained parameters of graphical model(CAGE) Args: path_test: Path to the pickle file containing test data set qc: Quality index of shape (n_lfs,) of type numpy.ndarray OR a float. Values must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.85 need_strings: If True, the output will be in the form of strings(class names). Else it is in the form of class values(given to classes in Enum). Default is False Return: numpy.ndarray of shape (num_instances,) which are predicted labels. Elements are numbers/strings depending on need_strings attribute is false/true resp. [Note: no aggregration/algorithm-running will be done using the current input]. It is suggested to use the probailities of feature model ''' assert type(need_strings) == np.bool return get_predictions(self.predict_gm_proba(path_test, qc), self.class_map, self.class_dict, need_strings)
[docs] def predict_fm(self, x_test, need_strings = False): ''' Used to find the predicted labels based on the trained parameters of feature model Args: x_test: numpy array of shape (num_instances, num_features) containing data whose labels are to be predicted need_strings: If True, the output will be in the form of strings(class names). Else it is in the form of class values(given to classes in Enum). Default is False Return: numpy.ndarray of shape (num_instances,) which are predicted labels. Elements are numbers/strings depending on need_strings attribute is false/true resp. [Note: no aggregration/algorithm-running will be done using the current input]. It is suggested to use the probailities of feature model ''' assert type(need_strings) == np.bool return get_predictions(self.predict_fm_proba(x_test), self.class_map, self.class_dict, need_strings)