Source code for spear.Implyloss.utils

import pickle, os, json
import numpy as np
num_args = 9
[docs]def get_data(path): ''' func desc: takes the pickle file and arranges it in a matrix list form so as to set the member variables accordingly expected order in pickle file is NUMPY arrays x, l, m, L, d, r, s, n, k x: [num_instances, num_features] l: [num_instances, num_rules] m: [num_instances, num_rules] L: [num_instances, 1] d: [num_instances, 1] r: [num_instances, num_rules] s: [num_instances, num_rules] n: [num_rules] Mask for s k: [num_rules] LF classes, range 0 to num_classes-1 ''' data=[] with open(path,'rb') as file: a=pickle.load(file) data.append(a) # check if this is required assert len(data)==num_args return data
[docs]def analyze_w_predictions(x,l,m,L,d,weights,probs,rule_classes): ''' func desc: analyze the rule network by computing the precisions of the rules and comparing old and new rule stats input: x: [num_instances, num_features] l: [num_instances, num_rules] m: [num_instances, num_rules] L: [num_instances, 1] d: [num_instances, 1] weights: [num_instances, num_rules] probs: [num_instances, num_classes] rule_classes: [num_rules,1] output: void, prints the required statistics ''' num_classes = probs.shape[1] new_m = convert_weights_to_m(weights) * m new_l = convert_m_to_l(new_m,rule_classes,num_classes) o_micro,o_marco_p,o_rp = get_rule_precision(l,L,m) n_mirco,new_macro_p,n_rp = get_rule_precision(new_l,L,new_m) print("old micro precision: ", o_micro) print("new micro precision: ", n_mirco) print("old rule firings: ", np.sum(m)) print("new rule firings: ", np.sum(new_m)) print("old rule coverage: ", len([i for i in m if sum(i) > 0])) print("new rule coverage: ", len([i for i in new_m if sum(i) > 0]))
[docs]def convert_weights_to_m(weights): ''' func desc: converts weights to m input: weights([batch_size, num_rules]) - the weights matrix corresponding to rule network(w_network) in the algorithm output: m([batch_size, num_rules]) - the rule coverage matrix where m_ij = 1 if jth rule covers ith instance ''' new_m = weights > 0.5 new_m = new_m.astype(np.int32) return new_m
[docs]def convert_m_to_l(m,rule_classes,num_classes): ''' func desc: converts m to l input: m([batch_size, num_rules]) - the rule coverage matrix where m_ij = 1 if jth rule covers ith instance rule_classes - num_classes(non_negative integer) - number of available classes output: l([batch_size, num_rules]) - labels assigned by the rules ''' rule_classes = np.array([rule_classes]*m.shape[0]) l = m * rule_classes + (1-m)*num_classes return l
[docs]def get_rule_precision(l,L,m): ''' func desc: get the precision of the rules input: l([batch_size, num_rules]) - labels assigned by the rules L([batch_size, 1]) - L_i = 1 if the ith instance has already a label assigned to it in the dataset m([batch_size, num_rules]) - the rule coverage matrix where m_ij = 1 if jth rule covers ith instance output: micro_p - macro_p - comp - ''' L = L.reshape([L.shape[0],1]) comp = np.equal(l,L).astype(np.float) comp = comp * m comp = np.sum(comp,0) support = np.sum(m,0) micro_p = np.sum(comp)/np.sum(support) macro_p = comp/(support + 1e-25) supported_rules = [idx for idx,support_val in enumerate(support) if support_val>0] macro_p = macro_p[supported_rules] macro_p = np.mean(macro_p) return micro_p,macro_p,comp/(support + 1e-25)
# from utils
[docs]def merge_dict_a_into_b(a, b): ''' func desc: set the dict values of b to that of a input: a, b : dicts output: void ''' for key in a: assert key not in b b[key] = a[key]
[docs]def pretty_print(data_structure): ''' Func Desc: prints the given data structure in the desired format Input: data_structure Output: ''' print(json.dumps(data_structure, indent=4))
[docs]def get_list_or_None(s, dtype=int): ''' Func Desc: Returns the list of types of the variables in the string s Input: s - string dtype function (default - int) Output: None or list ''' if s.strip() == '': return None else: lst = s.strip().split(',') return [dtype(x) for x in lst]
[docs]def get_list(s): ''' Func Desc: returns the output of get_list_or_None as a list Input: s - list Output: lst - list ''' lst = get_list_or_None(s) if lst is None: return [] else: return lst
[docs]def None_if_zero(n): ''' Func Desc: the max(0,n) function with none id n<=0 Input: n - integer Output: if n>0 then n else None ''' if n <= 0: return None else: return n
[docs]def boolean(s): ''' Func Desc: returns the expected boolean value for the given string Input: s - string Output: boolean or error ''' if s == 'True': return True if s == 'False': return False raise ValueError('Invalid boolean value: %s' % s)
[docs]def set_to_list_of_values_if_None_or_empty(lst, val, num_vals): ''' Func Desc: returns lst if it is not empty else returns a same length list but with all its entries equal to val lst - list val - value num_vals (integer) - length of the list lst Output: lst or same length val list ''' if not lst: return [val] * num_vals else: print(len(lst), num_vals) assert len(lst) == num_vals return lst
# from snorkel_utils
[docs]def conv_l_to_lsnork(l,m): ''' func desc: in snorkel convention if a rule does not cover an instance assign it label -1 we follow the convention where we assign the label num_classes instead of -1 valid class labels range from {0,1,...num_classes-1} conv_l_to_lsnork: converts l in our format to snorkel's format input: l([batch_size, num_rules]) - rule label matrix m([batch_size, num_rules]) - rule coverage matrix output: lsnork([batch_size, num_rules]) ''' lsnork = l*m + -1*(1-m) return lsnork.astype(
# from metric_utils
[docs]def compute_accuracy(support, recall): ''' func desc: compute the required accuracy input: support recall output: accuracy ''' return np.sum(support * recall) / np.sum(support)
# from data_utils
[docs]def dump_labels_to_file(save_filename, x, l, m, L, d, weights=None, f_d_U_probs=None, rule_classes=None): ''' Func Desc: dumps the given data into a pickle file Input: save_filename - the name of the pickle file in which the arguments/data is required to be saved x ([batch_size x num_features]) l ([batch_size x num_rules]) m ([batch_size x num_rules]) L ([batch_size x 1]) d ([batch_size x 1]) weights (default - None) f_d_U_probs (default - None) rule_classes (default - None) Output: ''' save_file = open(save_filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(x, save_file) pickle.dump(l, save_file) pickle.dump(m, save_file) pickle.dump(L, save_file) pickle.dump(d, save_file) if not weights is None: pickle.dump(weights, save_file) if not f_d_U_probs is None: pickle.dump(f_d_U_probs, save_file) if not rule_classes is None: pickle.dump(rule_classes,save_file) save_file.close()
[docs]def load_from_pickle_with_per_class_sampling_factor(fname, per_class_sampling_factor): ''' Func Desc: load the data from the given pickle file with per class sampling factor Input: fname - name of the pickle file from which data need to be loaded per_class_sampling_factor Output: the required matrices x1 ([batch_size x num_features]) l1 ([batch_size x num_rules]) m1 ([batch_size x num_rules]) L1 ([batch_size x 1]) d1 ([batch_size x 1]) ''' with open(fname, 'rb') as f: x = pickle.load(f) l = pickle.load(f) m = pickle.load(f) L = pickle.load(f) d = np.squeeze(pickle.load(f)) x1 = [] l1 = [] m1 = [] L1 = [] d1 = [] for xx, ll, mm, LL, dd in zip(x, l, m, L, d): for i in range(per_class_sampling_factor[LL]): x1.append(xx) l1.append(ll) m1.append(mm) L1.append(LL) d1.append(dd) x1 = np.array(x1) l1 = np.array(l1) m1 = np.array(m1) L1 = np.array(L1) d1 = np.array(d1) return x1, l1, m1, L1, d1
[docs]def combine_d_covered_U_pickles(d_name, infer_U_name, out_name, d_sampling_factor, U_sampling_factor): ''' Func Desc: combine the labelled and unlabelled data, merge the corresponding parameters together and store them in new file Input: d_name - the pickle file storing labelled data infer_U_name - the pickle file storing unlabelled data out_name - the name of the file where merged output needs to be stored d_sampling_factor - the per_class_sampling_factor for labelled data U_sampling_factor - the per_class_sampling_factor for unlabelled data Output: ''' #d_sampling_factor = np.array(d_sampling_factor) #U_sampling_factor = np.array(U_sampling_factor) d_x, d_l, d_m, d_L, d_d = load_from_pickle_with_per_class_sampling_factor(d_name, d_sampling_factor) U_x, U_l, U_m, U_L, U_d = load_from_pickle_with_per_class_sampling_factor(infer_U_name, U_sampling_factor) x = np.concatenate((d_x, U_x)) l = np.concatenate((d_l, U_l)) m = np.concatenate((d_m, U_m)) L = np.concatenate((d_L, U_L)) #print(d_d.shape) #print(U_d.shape) d = np.concatenate((d_d, U_d)) with open(out_name, 'wb') as out_file: pickle.dump(x, out_file) pickle.dump(l, out_file) pickle.dump(m, out_file) pickle.dump(L, out_file) pickle.dump(d, out_file)
# from learn2reweight_utils
[docs]def updated_theta_copy(grads, variables, lr, mode): ''' Func Desc: updates the theta (parameters) using rhe given learning rate, grads and variables Input: grads - gradients variables lr - learning rate mode Output: vals - list of the updated gradients ''' vals = [] if mode == 1: for g,v in zip(grads,variables): vals.append(v+lr*g) elif mode == -1: for g,v in zip(grads,variables): vals.append(v-lr*g) else: print("invalid mode error!") print(exit(1)) return vals