Source code for spear.Implyloss.pr_utils

import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
import numpy as np

[docs]def exp_term_for_constraints(rule_classes, num_classes, C): ''' Func Desc: Compute the exponential term for the constraints Input: rule_classes ([num_rules,1]) - a list of classes associated with the rules num_classes (int) C Output: the required exponential term ''' rule_classes_tensor = tf.to_float(tf.convert_to_tensor(rule_classes)) #rule_classes_tensor = tf.reshape(rule_classes_tensor,[1,rule_classes]) rule_classes_tensor = tf.expand_dims(rule_classes_tensor,0) class_types_tensor = tf.to_float(tf.convert_to_tensor(np.arange(num_classes).reshape(num_classes,1))) #[num_classes,num_rules] class_rule_constraint = tf.to_float(tf.equal(class_types_tensor,rule_classes_tensor)) - 1.0 class_rule_constraint = tf.exp(C*class_rule_constraint) return class_rule_constraint
[docs]def pr_product_term(weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C): ''' Func Desc: Compute the probability product term for the constraints Input: weights ([batch_size, num_rules]) - the w_network weights rule_classes ([num_rules,1]) - a list of classes associated with the rules num_classes (int) C Output: the required product term ''' # weights: [batch_size, num_rules] class_rule_constraint = exp_term_for_constraints(rule_classes, num_classes, C) #class_rule_constraint = tf.Print(class_rule_constraint,[tf.shape(class_rule_constraint)],message="class_rule_constraint") #[num_classes,1,num_rules] class_rule_constraint = tf.expand_dims(class_rule_constraint,axis=1) #[1,batch_size,num_rules] weights = tf.expand_dims(weights,axis=0) # [num_classes,batch_size,num_rules] t1 = class_rule_constraint * weights # [1, batch_size, num_rules] t2 = 1-weights #[num_classes,batch_size,num_rules] t = t1+t2 #t = tf.Print(t, [t,tf.shape(t)],message="t and shape of t") product_term = tf.reduce_prod(t,axis=-1) #[batch_size, num_classes] product_term = tf.transpose(product_term) return product_term
[docs]def get_q_y_from_p(f_probs, weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C): ''' Func Desc: Compute the q_y term from the p (f_network) distribution Input: f_probs ([batch_size, num_classes]) weights ([batch_size, num_rules]) - the w_network weights rule_classes ([num_rules,1]) - a list of classes associated with the rules num_classes (int) C Output: the required q_y term ''' # f_probs: [batch_size, num_classes] # weights: [batch_size, num_rules] psi = 1e-20 product_term = pr_product_term(weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C) result = f_probs * product_term normalizer = tf.reduce_sum(result,axis=-1,keepdims=True) result = result/(normalizer + psi) return result
[docs]def get_q_r_from_p(f_probs, weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C): ''' Func Desc: Compute the q_r term from the p (f_network) distribution Input: f_probs ([batch_size, num_classes]) weights ([batch_size, num_rules]) - the w_network weights rule_classes ([num_rules,1]) - a list of classes associated with the rules num_classes (int) C Output: the required q_r term ''' # f_probs: [batch_size, num_classes] # weights: [batch_size, num_rules] psi = 1e-20 #[batch_size, num_classes] pr_product_t = pr_product_term(weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C) #[batch_size, 1, num_classes] product_term = tf.expand_dims(pr_product_t,axis=1) #[num_rules, num_classes] class_rule_constraint = tf.transpose(exp_term_for_constraints(rule_classes, num_classes, C)) #[1, num_rules, num_classes] class_rule_constraint = tf.expand_dims(class_rule_constraint, axis=0) #[batch_size, num_rules, 1] w = tf.expand_dims(weights,2) #[batch_size, num_rules, num_classes] divisior = w*class_rule_constraint + (1-w) product_term = product_term / (divisior + psi) #[batch_size, 1, num_classes] f_probs = tf.expand_dims(f_probs,axis=1) #[batch_size, num_rules, num_classes] product_term = product_term * f_probs * class_rule_constraint #[batch_size, num_rules] sum_over_y_term = tf.reduce_sum(product_term,axis=-1) prob_q_r_eq_1 = weights * sum_over_y_term prob_q_r_eq_0 = tf.reduce_sum(f_probs * product_term, axis=-1) prob_q_r_eq_0 = (1 - weights) * prob_q_r_eq_0 prob_q_r_eq_1 = prob_q_r_eq_1 / (prob_q_r_eq_0 + prob_q_r_eq_1) return prob_q_r_eq_1
[docs]def theta_term_in_pr_loss(f_logits, f_probs, weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C, d): ''' Func Desc: Compute the theta term in the pr loss Input: f_logits ([batch_size, num_classes]) f_probs ([batch_size, num_classes]) weights ([batch_size, num_rules]) - the w_network weights rule_classes ([num_rules,1]) - a list of classes associated with the rules num_classes (int) C d ([batch_size,1]) Output: the required theta term (third term in equation 14) - used to supervise f (classification) network from instances in U ''' #[batch_size, num_classes] q_y = get_q_y_from_p(f_probs, weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C) cross_ent_q_p = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=q_y,logits=f_logits) cross_ent_q_p = (1-d) * cross_ent_q_p #defined only for instances in U, so mask by (1-d) result = tf.reduce_mean(cross_ent_q_p) return result
[docs]def phi_term_in_pr_loss(m, w_logits, f_probs, weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C, d): ''' Func Desc: Compute the phi term in the pr loss Input: m ([batch_size, num_rules]) - mij = 1 if ith example is associated with jth rule w_logits ([batch_size, num_rules]) f_probs ([batch_size, num_classes]) weights ([batch_size, num_rules]) - the w_network weights rule_classes ([num_rules,1]) - a list of classes associated with the rules num_classes (int) C d ([batch_size,1]) Output: the required phi term (fourth term in equation 14) - used to superwise w (rule) network from instances in U ''' #w_logits: [batch_size, num_rules] #m: [batch_size, num_rules] psi = 1e-20 q_r_1 = get_q_r_from_p(f_probs, weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C) #[batch_size, num_rules] cross_ent_q_w = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=q_r_1, logits=w_logits) cross_ent_q_w = tf.reduce_sum(cross_ent_q_w*m,axis=-1) #normalizer_cross_ent_q_w = tf.reduce_sum(m,axis=-1) #cross_ent_q_w = cross_ent_q_w / (normalizer_cross_ent_q_w + psi) cross_ent_q_w = cross_ent_q_w * (1-d) cross_ent_q_w = tf.reduce_mean(cross_ent_q_w) return cross_ent_q_w
[docs]def pr_loss(m, f_logits, w_logits, f_probs, weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C, d): ''' Func Desc: Compute the pr loss Input: m ([batch_size, num_rules]) - mij = 1 if ith example is associated with jth rule f_logits w_logits ([batch_size, num_rules]) - logit before sigmoid activation in w network f_probs ([batch_size, num_classes]) - output of f network weights ([batch_size, num_rules]) - the sigmoid output from w network rule_classes ([num_rules,1]) - a list of classes associated with the rules num_classes (int) C - lamda in equation 10 (hyperparameter) d ([batch_size,1]) - if ith instance is from "d" set (labelled data) d[i] = 1, else if ith instance is from "U" set, d[i] = 0 Output: the required phi term ''' #theta_term : (third term in equation 14) (used to supervise f (classification) network from instances in U ) #phi term : (fourth term in equation 14) (used to superwise w (rule) network from instances in U ) # m : rule_firing matrix: [batch_size, num_rules] # w_logits: logit before sigmoid activation in w network: [batch_size, num_rules] # weights: sigmoid output from w network: [batch_size, num_rules] # f_probs: output of f network: [batch_size, num_classes] # C: \lamda in equation 10 (hyperparameter) # d : [batch_size], d[i] = 0 if ith instance is from "U" set, 1 if ith instance is from "d" set (labeled data) theta_term = theta_term_in_pr_loss(f_logits, f_probs, weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C, d) cross_ent_q_w = phi_term_in_pr_loss(m, w_logits, f_probs, weights, rule_classes, num_classes, C, d) return theta_term + cross_ent_q_w